April 18, 2008

Honestly, I probably know like three of the whole mess of people who read/post here (or will in time, wishful thinkin'). But still, let me tell you a secret about myself.

Last year, I took this urban studies class. I convinced myself that this was my calling. I planned on taking these architecture art history classes and pictured myself finding these internships, but alas, it was not to be. However, I spend a lot of time still reading Dwell magazine and their website. Dwell makes me dream of getting a real soul-crushing job someday, maybe even going to law school or something, entirely so I can spend my weekends with my cute artist wife and our three year old son installing recycled tin onto the rooftop of our small but beautiful second home in some hip gentrified neighborhood somewhere. We will line the walls of the bedroom with mahogany that we found in a dumpster and discuss the benefits of cork versus bamboo flooring over brunch and the Sunday New York Times. Don't even get me started on the backyard. Indeed, I am the sole inspiration for Stuff White People Like. Adrian is totally 3000 miles away, cursing the fact that he even invited me to post on his blog, you guys. I think I just gentrified the internet.

But yeah, so Dwell magazine (and ReadyMade magazine).

Look at this barn. Look at those freakin' windows. 48 windows. That's so pretty. I will shank anyone who denies the artistic power of architecture and design. Here's the article that goes with it.

So earlier this afternoon, I went to an artist talk. Denzil Hurley (who actually taught here at Hampshire College back in the day) totally gleams the cube. This image doesn't do it justice like his slides did.

Most of these artist talks piss me off. I don't have the patience to sit and listen to some douchebag ramble on about how he changed the face of modern art and caused natural disasters with the flick of the paintbrush. I respond really well to the people who come and show us their work humbly, who work over long periods of time and make natural progressions and make beautiful things on their own terms. Look at that house and look at that painting and I hope you are inspired like I am.

The other great artist lecture I saw this semester: Robin Mandel. His website is really accessible and fun and he does these cool things with light and movement. Ironically, his most static work is also my favorite, I think:

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